Cedar Rod & Gun club is host to several 3-gun shooting events per year- May thru September-see events calendar for scheduled dates

3-gun matches are "open" to all members and non-members who possess basic firearm knowledge and safety skills, it is challenging but well within the capabilities of the average shooter.

Shooters must attend one of the safety briefings to register and be eligible to compete in the match, no exceptions!!

There are two classes; rim fire and center fire. In the center fire class, the pistol, rifle and shotgun can be of any caliber or gauge and any action, other than 50bmg and full-auto.
In the rim-fire class a .22LR rim fire pistol and rifle must be used along with any gauge shotgun.

Special Note; Steel projectiles are not allowed- Your ammo will be given a magnet test and not be allowed if steel !!!

* Targets may be paper, steel, and/or clay birds
* Distances to targets range from 15 to 250 yards
* Elapsed time minus penalties will yield final score
* The shooter's best round counts for score
* Awards will be given to winner's of each class

NOTE- Eye and ear protection is required of shooters and spectators at all times !!!

3-Gun Contacts/RSO's-
Dan Rahe               djrhome@charter.net           231-929-4174
Micah Deegan       huntingmicah@aol.com       231-620-6552
Ward Gutknecht    gutknechtward@att.net      231-676-9068
Matt Taylor             yamahafo@charter.net       231-383-1501